Enterbay Bruce Lee GOD Final Prototype

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Seems to be a bit of a tug of war going on here. What's the deal?

Just looking at ABC Express there are several much worse, in comparison, figures as well as the Hot toys varieties, going for almost as much as the proposed $300 Bruce.

Pjam, do you really expect someone that paid $300 for this figure, to sell it for less, especially as the market looks like its prices are starting to go out of control, and people are around to pay this much for them? Look at several older Sideshow figures grabbing outrageous prices. Spike at 7500 is getting a nice wad, as one example. You yourself bought a Hot Toys Supes and Bats, and if you were lucky, you got them at a low price point because you pre-ordered early on in the piece, if not and in any case, they are getting a good wad themselves now.

Sunohc, you are a retailer I believe, so you know what is what, and how much these will cost you wholesale, without letting the cat out of the bag, obviously to protect the profit you stand to make on these. Will you be offering these Bruce's to members here?

I guess it come down to pre-order direct from Enterbay, or find a retailer, where you can get a marginal saving. I guess a few may appear on ebay. Eventually everything does. The competition for any that do, will most likely be fierce.
creecher said:
Seems to be a bit of a tug of war going on here. What's the deal?

Just looking at ABC Express there are several much worse, in comparison, figures as well as the Hot toys varieties, going for almost as much as the proposed $300 Bruce.

Pjam, do you really expect someone that paid $300 for this figure, to sell it for less, especially as the market looks like its prices are starting to go out of control, and people are around to pay this much for them? Look at several older Sideshow figures grabbing outrageous prices. Spike at 7500 is getting a nice wad, as one example. You yourself bought a Hot Toys Supes and Bats, and if you were lucky, you got them at a low price point because you pre-ordered early on in the piece, if not and in any case, they are getting a good wad themselves now.

Sunohc, you are a retailer I believe, so you know what is what, and how much these will cost you wholesale, without letting the cat out of the bag, obviously to protect the profit you stand to make on these. Will you be offering these Bruce's to members here?

I guess it come down to pre-order direct from Enterbay, or find a retailer, where you can get a marginal saving. I guess a few may appear on ebay. Eventually everything does. The competition for any that do, will most likely be fierce.

These are all great points creech, I'm just speaking for the little guy here and obviously have no financial interest in this. Just seems like $300 is a high direct order price point for a mass produced factory painted figure. Most other hi-end companies like Medicom, Hot Toys sell direct to dealers for about $100-$120 and they go on from there to after market value.

After market value? Geez I don't know, they will probably go up in the long term. I'm more interested in the shorter term (1-2 months after release) as I'm speculating how many will shell out $350 shipped for this piece in the initial release of 1550 and once they are in hand and collectors see them, the overall quality MAY become a factor when considering price points...
I think for the edition size the price is too high, if it were less figures I think it would be more justifiable. For instance the Mr Torrance figure from CRM toys was around $300, but they only (supposedly) made 80 of them. But that much for an edition of 3,500 just seems too much and a bit greedy. But I'm sure they'll sell so what do I know :lol
Don't mean to step on toes, but did you ever think not to quote, when answering a previous post. I know there is the chance that someone else may post inbetween, but I hate having to scroll down have a page, especially when I rant so much. :lol Even delete the irrelevant parts.

As a little guy myself, I have that same view when looking at Hot Toys and the like, when comparing it to Sideshow. It's the main reason I'm a Sideshow Freak. Sideshow rools the roost. I call it quality and value. If Sideshow arent the kings of 1/6th, they ought to be in my book. As one of the biggest in the market, they must be the one of the leaders too. Lately I have been feeling extra sorry for them. While they have kept their prices low, it doesn't seem to be making an impact on their competitors. Just consider how the cost of involving the fans so much. You'd think their product would cost more rather than less than their competitors. Shows me who is ripping us off. There are tooling costs, as sunohc has said. Every company has those costs, and being that Enterbay is an Asian company (am I right?) they are closer to China than an American company taking on the burden of shipping across the planet, let alone the continent.

Yeah, you are right. It does go up another $50 with shipping, and I find that hard to cop on the chin, because shipping to Australia will be around $45, and look how close we are. There is definitely something fishy, about the whole scene in Asia, and it stinks. If corruption is the underlying factor, why doesn't someone just say so? As it is I just don't understand. I am trying to.

I mentioned ABC Express. Many here know of them. I have only discovered them recently, probably from you pjam, in one of your posts. Thanks mate. Anyway, from observation they put up items on ebay, and if they dont sell, roll them over again at an even higher price. The Hot Toys supes and bats as examples are now close to the $300 mark. I think they started at less than half that. Their shipping prices are erratic, for similar weighing and sized items, there are quite substantial differences. Okay, I am picking out one supplier and they may not all be like that, but indicators, from people like sunohc, seem to add to my opinions, that overall the way they operate over their is as foreign to me as their culture and geographical position on the planet. What planet are we on anyway? Please don't quote me I have ranted again. Oh yeah, I shall continue. :D

The quality may be a factor, but I have faith that Arnie is an artist first and foremost, and rather than sell his art out to the highest bidder, and as he is not a businessman in the correct sense of the word, will overlook, what has become a parent/child relationship with his GoD Bruce figure, and present us collectors with a quality product. All his Bruce figures if it gets down to it.

What I would like to see from Enterbay is what their range of figures will be and their prices. $300 is expensive. It just makes me even more grateful for Sideshow and their terrific staff, and their compassion for the collector. I am more than happy with my 18inch Art Asylym Bruce that I picked up for aorund $55. I still am impressed by what Arnie has achieved with the sculpt and the body of his 'child'. I want one, but at the price, which one. I particularly like the one with rooted hair, as it adds even more realism, to me, but I only want one, and cannot afford several, maybe not even one. If he is going to do a PF styled Bruce, I would want Enterbay to put their cards on the table. Sunohc has done much in the short time he has been a member here, to bring us a wealth of information, which has only confused me even more, at this stage, as what to do. Either forego contemplating purchasing the GoD Bruce, for an even more improved version, or forego purchasing any of Enterbays Bruce's altogether. Time for this is growing shorter by the day.
Wow, nice rant creecher, I am impressed, you are a true blue SSC dude!

Yes, Sunohc has been excellent in his replies, straight, direct, responsive and informative... but he is also a dealer and just joined this board (as far as I know) about the same time these were displayed at SDCC and are being presold and he has also been defending the price for it which is fine...

I am just trying to be an advocate for us consumers by trying to collect as much information as possible about this figure and the costs to produce it to justify pricing it at such a high release price point so our board members/collectors can make an informed decision when considering purchasing it.

Unfortunately I can't see charging this much unless it was a custom LE JC painted piece or a PF...
Who is the guy that showed us his own sculpt of Bruce? Was that sunohc too? An impressive sculptor and a dealer, if he is one and the same. I couldn't find the post, so I will just assume. Great Bruce too, that one. Looks like Arnie is in for some competition. Sorry sunohc but Arnies wins, timing is everything. Gees if you could work with Sideshow, you might get yours out. Then it would make me sick that I had bought Arnie's, if that ever happens. Want isn't have, unfortunately. Imagine if Sideshow did get sunohc, the sculptor, in its fold, and have a direct link to a dealership in Asia. Damn, there goes my hope for an Australasian distributor setting up camp in Australia.

Thanks for your explanation. pjam. I think you are doing an excellent job on all fronts. You sure are giving the supes and bats a hiding. It's a board and discussion is its blood. I do agree the price is high, even though I have been teetering between both sides. I would expect if it had silicon skin like the Cinemaquettes, the price would be a little more realistic, and the figure even moreso. I said a little. Enterbay is being too greedy too soon. Did I miss something? Is the release 1550 or 3500. Maybe I'm confused, and the other 1950 are coming out later. It adds up to one million and fifty thousand dollars in potential income with a tooling layout of $10,000 and diorama's costing $350,000, wages, company set up, building leases etc, equalling quite a tidy sum, recompensed in the short term, understood by all to be greedy. I thought it easier to be terse, than rant on. I don't want to break sunohc record for the longest post. :lol They are hard to read aren't they? Sorry about that.
You sure are giving the supes and bats a hiding.

Don't know what you mean by hiding. I think the HT Supes and Bats were sold to dealers for about $100 (as I mentioned HT, Med, etc. do in my earlier post). I purchased mine from a dealer in Canada called Toy Square for 119 each and told everyone here who was interested because it was the only north american dealer and many freaks thanked me and purchased theirs there as well to save a few bucks. That's what's great about this board -- sharing information so we can all make better purchasing decisions. There ya go mate! :D
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hehe. I didn't mean hide and go seek pjam. I meant you are giving it a thrashing, a pounding. :lol I wish I lived in the states sometimes. I saw your link to Toy Square and have it bookmarked. Thank you mate. Another fine link I owe you for. I would love a HT bats and supes. Can't have everything, especially when these have been all but bought out. I wont have enough for a GoD Bruce either, and I don't usually go the pre-order route, unless I have the cash now to put away. I am thinking about it for the GoD Bruce though. That is probably because I am so happy knowing that, one way of the other I will have The Mummy PF now. Just a tad delirious at the moment.
creecher said:
hehe. I didn't mean hide and go seek pjam. I meant you are giving it a thrashing, a pounding. :lol ... I am so happy knowing that, one way of the other I will have The Mummy PF now. Just a tad delirious at the moment.

:doh :rotfl

Mummy PF! Good on ya mate! :D
Hey guys.
I edited that one long post with lots of quotes, so there are no quotes, if that helps.... >.>

The Bruce Lee custom I did was not sculpted by me. It was just a custom I did with an Eric So head and I'm not selling more than 1 haha.

By the way, I think I might be seen biaist since I'm a retailer, so I'm not sure what to say.

I can't tell you the wholesale price retailers get, but its not low enough for retailers to really lower the price and still call it "business".
Like, it won't go below $200 in anyway at all.

In my opinoin, many are concerned about the quantity run because they believe that the MORE the quantity is, the MORE the quality will suffer.
Well, this is a $300 item you're talking about and no matter the quantity, you'll get a $300 worth-quality item.

COmpanies keep low quantities because the molds deteriorate or they do it to please those collectors who desire the "low quanitty-release" items.
Its not because they decide that the lower the quantity, the more attnetion they will spend on it, or the better it'll turn out.
Yet, I do agree that a large quantity release is a bit misleading and no one wnats to hear that there will be 3500 of these.
But try to affiliate the quantity number with the quality, because the price should be the factor that sets the quality.
Anyway, I talked with Enterbay,
and I asked them about some things I'm mostly hearing on the forums, as well as some suggestions, like paint apps, the figure body,. the quantity, etc.
And the CEO replied in a very informative way and allowed me to pass on whatever he said :D

He explained that the PAINT JOB you saw of the prototypes seen at the SSDC convention were done to a minimal quantity.
JC hong was instructed to paint it mediocrely and that the quality of what you saw would be the MINIMUM quality of what they expect the factory to do.
They are applying a sweat-like glossy to the face and body for more realistic skin texture and tone, so you can only expect the paint job to be BETTER, not worse.
Remember, the EYES are interchangeable.
You wouldn't NEED to repaint the eyes or anything because they are like pre-made glass eyballs ready for insert and manipulation.

he said that the previous "bruce Lee Originals" Arnie had did, were actually enhanced greatly through photoshop, mainly as a concept prototype.
So , maybe some were dissapointed by pictures?

The latest prototype pics you saw on the website, were also just taken in the hotel room at SDCC . They were "snapshots" and you will see better updated pics very soon/.

He quotes: that much of the collectors would never know the differences they put into the quality they had worked to acheive :
" how much work we had
input during development to reach this price tag, like the body, head
construction, detail accessories and a wooden diorama.."

In fact, when I told him about the "triad toys" body, which is incredible in conceal joints, yet barely sacrificing articulation, he was impressed and took in all the suggestions XENOVIPER had and told me that they would look into those changes for the NEXT bruce lee version body (BL-2).[/SIZE]


So that's that.....

I was a hardcore of arnie and Bruce Lee and that's how I became a retialer >.>, and I'm not usually a seller or much of the sort, so this retailing is more to get me involved in this Enterbay piece.

The preorder starts August 1, so email or PM if you're interested or if you just have questions. (US retailer)
I first joined this forum via Mookeylama's post and then some of my favorite discussion came out, or threads in whcih I could post some good information without looking stupid LOL.

Basically, I've been buying high cost resin figures for a while and at one point I almost cashed out the $$$ to buy Arnie's original. Yet I didn't have it haha.
So this price tag doesn't surprise me as much as the rest of you, who are use to Sideshow's brilliant prices.

but I'm liking the suggestions and dissccusions regarding this, because Enterbay was grateful to receive this kind of feedback and prooved it would be helpful.

So I just think that Enterbay is setting the bar high for THEMSELF, as to acheiving quality.
The quantity run might be a glitch or a rumor, I've only heard the estimates from Enterbay which were 3000-4000 I think.
They are also only making them available by countries.
So Asia will take more than 70% of them I think, or so I've read before.
It's not like they have this huge warehouse in Hong Kong haha.
They are sending them out to different country distributors, and Asia was priority I presume.

One of the most common phrases I hear from Enterbay or that they emphasize the most, is that ARNIE and ENTERBAY want their items to be works of ART, not toys. I'm sure that's why Arnie did not want DML to produce this initially since he was afraid it'd just become another headsculpt of the bunch.
I don't know.
And, don't hesitate to harshly criticize enterbay or make any suggestions.
I'm more of a Fan, so I see it from both point of views.

Price too high?
* Yes for most collectors. But not everyone can get their favorite car.
Plus, if quantities ever sell out, see what happened to McCoy Toys

Quantity too High?

*Don't you wish McCoy Toys had a higher quantity release?
Their Indy, etc. Basically, those figures run for over $500 now.

Will quality be effected by quantity?
* Why should they? This is one of those China deals where the Chinese sculpt for free and its for Mcdonald Kids Meals. If Enterbay fails to show fine quality, how will they be able to sell their next piece? Quantity is for the convenience of availibility. Arnie had once wanted an Indy McCoy toy, but missed it. Maybe he learned a lesson....haha

Will quality justify price?
* I don't know. If you're a fan, yes hahaha.
yet, accessories and superiority of sculpt could help

Will paint app match price?
If you're willing to pay $40 extra to get a repaint, than Yes.
Because you probably won't need one at all for this figure since they have the eyes as REALISTICAlly as possible and how else could you better paint the tones? The natural moisture skin texture and tone will be provided.

Will it be cheaper later?
because of Quantity run, maybe.
Its not going to run the same McCoy Indy cycle.
But retailers's not making a killing off of profit so I would expect anything drastic.
Avalibility shouldn't be a problem, but I really don't know about price deflation.

Why does it cost so much?
-Specially constructed body
-head construction: you can switch the hairs styles and the eyeball direction: that means 3 different molds for sure , just for the head
-detail accessories: the shoes are made of real material, lace and leather, bamboo stick, 7 hands, nunchuck, adjustable bracelet, special packaging
and a wooden diorama..
- meiticulous paint app
and its kinda like buying a $150 Hot toys figure except this one runs the extra imile with quality and a diorama.

Those are the main questions, I'm seeing.
I think I answered most...if not subtlely.

If you have any more, I'll try answering them myself or ask Enterbay.
THink of me as a representative. Why would I deny any suggestions to improve the quality, when, above all, I WANT the piece hahahaha
Your concerns are my concerns because I'm looking for the best piece possible as well. But unfortunately I don't care about $$ issue since bruce Lee is like my #1 icon hahaha

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but if it doesn't effect the quality, I see no reason to.
Remember the MCcoy toys hahaha. Their Indy was sold out so fast that now if you sell one, they go over $500 on eBay.
I've seen $800, etc.
Don't you just wish they released about 1000 more LOL
I wonder if Etneraby just had a typo on that one thread and meant 350 >..>
They are releasing another "Limited" version on top of this Deluxe one. Given that fact, I think a lower edition size would be better. Both figures will probably be so similar (except for the battle damage) that most people will go for the cheaper one since it won't include a diorama background.

You gotta account for that when producing these. Two very similar products overflowing the market at a huge price point. See Master Replicas for an example of that mistake. :rolleyes:
hm, I don't they'll release it without the diorama, will they?

but remember, I don't thingk selling out will be a problem. Many are underestimating that this 1/6 world will be the only to purchase.
I think the lterally billions of kung fu movie fans and the older generation who knew bRuce lee since they were young are the ones who will buy the most.
or maybe thats what Enteraby is aiming for
sunohc said:
hm, I don't they'll release it without the diorama, will they?

but remember, I don't thingk selling out will be a problem. Many are underestimating that this 1/6 world will be the only to purchase.
I think the lterally billions of kung fu movie fans and the older generation who knew bRuce lee since they were young are the ones who will buy the most.
or maybe thats what Enteraby is aiming for

I appreciate your incredibly responsive and detailed, informative comments. But I am still unclear about a few things as you suddenly seem to be very active in regards to this item and Enterbay as a company and joined this board just as these were displayed @ SDCC and are about to take pre-orders. So... I have a few business questions, please don't take it personally... :D

What exactly is your relationship with Enterbay?
Do you have any financial interests in selling this product?

If so what is Enterbay's unit cost (cost per item) to produce these? What are they charging you as a dealer and other dealers and what will you be charging retail?

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I choose not answer those questions since I don't feel it is fair for other retailers if I gave out that information.
I can give all that i know :D

I'm not exactly sure how much it costs to produce the figures since I'm nothing but a out-of-country retailer.
This is as involved in Enterbay as I can get >.>

I've never met any staff of Enterbay in real life, yet I have been in contact with them over email.
I'm a retailer but I'm not a "big time retailer" since I've only bought the minimum wholesale amount to dsitribute to some members on OSW.
So I'm not gonna hold a shop with 15 of these.
I'm only preordering the exact amount I have of preorderers.

I've never heard of a retailer tell the customer how much they are charging above the price they buy it at... >.>
So i'll keep that one hidden.

right now, I'm slightly suspicious of why you are inquring about these 'business" type questions since they should have no relation to the actual product discussion itself.
You said before that you were still in touch with Robin Kwok?
I'm not sure but my initial suspiscion might be that these are "his questions" you are presenting , because I find the following questions irrelevant and personal.

So, sorry if I sound like a total salesman here.
i'll stop posting about Enterbay if it bothers the members.

do you know where Robin Kwok is at and what he did with the figures?
I'm sure Arnie would want to know ...... hahah
sunohc said:
hm, I don't they'll release it without the diorama, will they?

I always thought that was the plan. The Deluxe would have a larger edition size than the Limited. The Limited ones were the ones to be, well, more limited, and they would feature the battle damage. Scroll down a bit:


sunohc said:
...but remember, I don't thingk selling out will be a problem. Many are underestimating that this 1/6 world will be the only to purchase.
I think the lterally billions of kung fu movie fans and the older generation who knew bRuce lee since they were young are the ones who will buy the most.

At this price point I don't think "the young ones" are the demographic they are aiming for. I think adult collectors were always their target audience and I don't see 3,500 flocking to buy this figure right away. The large edition size may be a product of Arnie's and Enterbay's inexperience.

sunohc said:
do you know where Robin Kwok is at and what he did with the figures? I'm sure Arnie would want to know ...... hahah

I know what happened to them but I rather not say..."I'll keep that one hidden" :monkey3

sunohc said:
I choose not answer those questions since I don't feel it is fair for other retailers if I gave out that information.
I can give all that i know :D

I'm not exactly sure how much it costs to produce the figures since I'm nothing but a out-of-country retailer.
This is as involved in Enterbay as I can get >.>

I've never met any staff of Enterbay in real life, yet I have been in contact with them over email.
I'm a retailer but I'm not a "big time retailer" since I've only bought the minimum wholesale amount to dsitribute to some members on OSW.
So I'm not gonna hold a shop with 15 of these.
I'm only preordering the exact amount I have of preorderers.

I've never heard of a retailer tell the customer how much they are charging above the price they buy it at... >.>
So i'll keep that one hidden.

right now, I'm slightly suspicious of why you are inquring about these 'business" type questions since they should have no relation to the actual product discussion itself.
You said before that you were still in touch with Robin Kwok?
I'm not sure but my initial suspiscion might be that these are "his questions" you are presenting , because I find the following questions irrelevant and personal.

So, sorry if I sound like a total salesman here.
i'll stop posting about Enterbay if it bothers the members.

do you know where Robin Kwok is at and what he did with the figures?
I'm sure Arnie would want to know ...... hahah

I have no business relationship with Robin. I work in Hollywood in the film Industry, am a collector and have nothing whatsoever to do with any store, dealer or collectible company. I bought a set of Batman figures from Robin (which I earlier described as not the quality or description as his proto piece) and referred him to a model customizer who built a sixth scale batmobile for him. I did speak to him on the phone regarding the Batman figures as I had to send one back to him to replace the belt as it was not the correct proto belt and he mentioned this Arnie stuff, that is the extent of my relationship with him and I have never mentioned his name before or again.

I have also been a member of this board and most freaks know me so I take exception to your accusations as they know I am looking out for them.

As far as my comments and questions with you go, I think they are legitimate for these reasons.

1) This is a $300 item and merits frank open and honest discussion.

2) You seemd to have joined this board just as these items are going up for pre-order and have no history here and you are a dealer. This board has a dealers section and has policy regarding dealers to my understanding.

3) You mentioned you joined this board to answer to mookeylama's question regarding Melvin, fine but I find that a convenient entry here because you have now posted the vast majority of your comments about this particular piece, this company and you seem to have sequed to marketing/selling it so asking the nature of your relationship is more than legitimate.

My only purpose is to be an advocate so SSF have as much information as possible prior to making any purchase decisions...

As I have mentioned in many earlier posts I wish this company nothing but success as they are innovative and I think Arnie is the best sculptor in the world (which I also have mentioned several times in previous posts but you wouldn't know that because you have only been here a week) and that's good news for collectors but there are legitimate questions to ask.

Just trying to keep it real...
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I understand where you're coming from pjam. Thanks for asking the hard questions. Information is everything and it is severely lacking at this point. Thank you too sunohc. You're efforts are appreciated also. Please, no one need be offended. I see some anxiety building, being so close to pre-order time.

I see the business questions as having a bearing on peoples decisions. It is Enterbays business to inform us. Their lack of information raises more questions than it answers. That leads my imagination to fill in some of the blanks. Pjam's questions may have no relation to the actual product itself, but it helps to determine whether we can take a, wait and see approach, or have to bang on the door to order. Not knowing translates to fear and uncertainty. Certainly a useful tool for Enterbay to increase speculation and anticipation in the market place.

Have Enterbay got their administrative policies in place? Will we be able to cancel pre-orders? Will there be a pre-order booking fee incurred for cancellations? Our concerns are with the unknowns. If they know who their distributors are going to be, they ought to post them on their website, and we can take up some of our uncertainties with them. Will we need to pay in advance, or when it ships? They must know how their pre-order system is going to work by now. Do they have a plan for their future releases? Would us knowing contribute to a decline in the sales of their first, off the production line, figure. A figure where so much pressure is placed upon.

Enterbay have got to get their act together to pay off their incurred debts. I guess the consumers are taking a second place to production, for the time being, to ensure the money comes rolling in sooner than later. That is not as bad as it sounds, knowing that their concerns will be our ultimate pleasure. It's early days for Enterbay, and there is much for them to do. All in good time. Until then, we just have to have faith and trust, and if you have the money, get your orders in, or repent at leisure.
Hey SLF, I think the edition size could've been their inexperience as well, or maybe those were the numbers they had to use when they contated the manufacturer, or maybe they're just overestimating >.>

and I've seen alot of Arnie-knock offs on eBay, and pics of them at a hong kong store, etc. So maybe I know too >.> haha. or not


You know, I got this same suspicion and type of atmoosphere when I joined OSW.
I orginally joined so I could see what was gong on with the "robin-arnie" inciddent and every thought I was some psyco.
But after a while, that was not the only topic I posted on and the person who originally, "accused" me make a public apology on the Forum.

Anyways, I've only made references to myself as a retailer inconspicuously or subtlely.
I don't intend to sell to anyone on this forum. Some one actually brought up the question and asked if there were any US retailers.

Just because I joined this forum doesn't mean I have to be an erratic poster.
I post on what interests me and on threads I can geniuniely contribute to.

YOu mentioned early that you would prefer the bruce Lee figures to be around $165, but then that'd be the equivalent of Medicom toys and Hot Toys figures,
which are not of the best likeness , qualities or abundance of accesories as well as features, like the changing eye mechanism, and the the diorama

and you mentioned some sort of sympathy towards Robin Kwok, which i just couldn't find possible (sorry for my ignorance).

You constantly comparing my short stay here as proof "provincial" knowledge.
Did Melvin not have a history here?
He had around 250 posts...

As far as the price and other specific details, I have no business here to put them out in the public.
Its like I'm deliberately trying to sell them here, and sharing the information would not put you in a better stance to buy or encourage the item anyways.
I actually do not know anything else but the price retailers can get them at.
I can also tell you that if you compare this item to a Hot Toys or Medicom Toy, it DOES in fact genuinely cost more than them.
LIke I said before, the features are incredible and like you said, they're innovative.
Its just, its not a toy for any figure collector.
We just happen to be of that interest. Its meant for die-hard Bruce Lee collectors and those are the guys who'll pay over $1000 for a Bruce Lee signed photo etc.

So I certainly don't blame you or others for the high price.
But knowing specifics about me or the manufacturing process wouldn't change much and its misleading.

I'm also hoping they'll do something about the quantity run and if this makes me seem anyless biaist, I'll deny any preorders on this forum for the Enterbay Figure.
I've already got my minimum preorders done. I'm set, I don't need any more and the profit is not my goal. Its the figure :D

Please don't misunderstand me as a naive newcomer just trying to get business.
I spent lots of time on that one post in the other thread enlightening people about the common misunderstandings and rumors about the figure...

I think all the people need to know about the figure is what's included, the features, and the quality.
Then they compare that to price, and your connection to the subject.

is it a little more clearer :rolleyes: