seamless rubber arm/leg skins

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this would help the mad max figure by leap years. great job.
Thanks for all the support, guys. I should have the legs ready to show in the next couple days. I'll go ahead and lay out the details to get a list started.

They will be available as complete sets and individually:

arms.................$15.00 pair
legs..................$15.00 pair
arm/leg set........$25.00

shipping will be extra but won't be much. These can go in a padded first class envelope.

I can do caucasian and African/American. The caucasian skins are pretty pale out of the mold. I can do the "staining" at no extra charge. Or if you want them pale to customize yourself, no problem.
Very important, thanks Mooncat! Please address this Shawn. :D

Id love a female version in blue so I can show my star wars aayla secura the way she should be shown !

Anychance that this is a possibility ? as I d take one off your hands
ah yes , female would be handy for me.
I'm thinking Vasquez from the hot toys aliens line.
I never bought a pair of the cheong arm sleeves . Maybe these could be better !.
Shaun helps the alien fans out again ! :lol:rock
Thanks for all the support, guys. I should have the legs ready to show in the next couple days. I'll go ahead and lay out the details to get a list started.

They will be available as complete sets and individually:

arms.................$15.00 pair
legs..................$15.00 pair
arm/leg set........$25.00

shipping will be extra but won't be much. These can go in a padded first class envelope.

I can do caucasian and African/American. The caucasian skins are pretty pale out of the mold. I can do the "staining" at no extra charge. Or if you want them pale to customize yourself, no problem.

Please put me down for a caucasian arm/leg set.
Thanks for all the interest and support, guys! The rubber master legs came out of the mold this morning and I'll be pouring the plaster molds tonight.

To adress a couple of questions I read here: The rubber is flexible enough to allow a 45 degree bend. They can achieve the full 90, but that means casting them pretty thin and that means they'll fold and wrinkle funny, like a shirt. I prefer to make them a bit thicker to help them fight this issue. I see most figures posed in neutral poses or with weapons. I never see them posed scratching thier chin or talking on a phone so, seriosly, does anyone ever use the full 90 degrees anyway? :lol The legs will be a different story. Any folds will happen in the back of the knee where you don't see them anyway. The will go from the ankle all the way to the crotch. Both can be cut down of course, like if you only want forearms or only need part of the leg to compliment shorts. They can also easily be intentionally "damaged" for those of you planning Terminator or zombie/horror customs. And latex CAN be painted with basic water-based acrylics as long as the area won't be subjet to too much flexing, so you can do tattoos and such.

Will they fit BBi bodies? The old style, for sure. G-3.5? I'm not 100% sure, but they do stretch easily if cast thin enough. Might stretch some of the detail out a bit, but it should work. If anyone has a G-3 lying around and would like to answer this for me, let me know, I can send you a free sample arm/leg to try it.

I will doing another set with less prominent veins. AND YES!! I will definately be doing FEMALE parts! :banana Actually, I have an entire female body in the works!!! The body is done, I need the huge amount of urethane it will take to mold the entire sculpt and then cast a solid rubber body as a master for the plaster molds. I'm doing a complete male body, too. Just borrowed a HT body for that one, filled in the joints with clay and blended the edges :monkey3

The list so far for male parts. Let me know if I got anything wrong:

ryan1982............1 x legs
xenoviper............1 x arms
rincewind............ not specified
kain's ancient blade.... 1 x arms
cocoboloboy.............. 1 x arms
uscmhicks..................1 x arms
mrhatrulez.................1 x arms
lord vicious................1 x full set
2000man..................2 x full set
bwayne....................4 x arms
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Will you be doing a full upper male torso? Arms and chest. Since the Hot Toys Rocky/Rambo figures are kinda pricey, it would be nice to get some skins a bit cheaper.
Put me down for a Male upper body Set once done

Put me down for an arm set for the females once done

Also put me down for the Blue Aayla Secura arm set and the Green Ooola full body set when they become available :)
will it be possible to see the less prominent vein arms before committing to these ones ?. :)
I will probably take about five of the less prominent ones for my aliens marines. :rock
Hopefully, I'll have pics tomorrow of the version 2 arms and the legs. I think the mistake was putting such big veins on the biceps. If the arms were honkin' huge it would have looked really cool, but they're not that buff. I might leave them in the forearms. They're not as obvious there, with the muscle detail and all. But the biceps are a flat surface, so they really grab the eye.

As for a complete torso, I already have a mold for it; pulled from the HT body. If I recall the seams were coming out a bit rough. No problem, I can put the body back into the front half and repour the rear part to get a tighter seam. I think a red version would be awesome for SSC's Hellboy. It wouldn't have the engravings, but would look great for the chest with the coat open and all. I'm also really thinking of doing a "normal guy" chest/abdomen piece for characters with open shirts. Anyone down for that? Throw a right arm in there and you could finally do a decent ToD Indy.
Hopefully, I'll have pics tomorrow of the version 2 arms and the legs. I think the mistake was putting such big veins on the biceps. If the arms were honkin' huge it would have looked really cool, but they're not that buff. I might leave them in the forearms. They're not as obvious there, with the muscle detail and all. But the biceps are a flat surface, so they really grab the eye.

As for a complete torso, I already have a mold for it; pulled from the HT body. If I recall the seams were coming out a bit rough. No problem, I can put the body back into the front half and repour the rear part to get a tighter seam. I think a red version would be awesome for SSC's Hellboy. It wouldn't have the engravings, but would look great for the chest with the coat open and all. I'm also really thinking of doing a "normal guy" chest/abdomen piece for characters with open shirts. Anyone down for that? Throw a right arm in there and you could finally do a decent ToD Indy.

I probably would be. I can't really think of any customs I would need just bare arms for, but I can think of plenty for whole torsos. Maybe a few different builds? Skinny guy, buff guy, HUGE guy (Hellboy) etc?
I have several BBI G3 and G3.5 figures .I'd be happy to do a test fit on for you.Also several different versions of DML figs including the football player body.Let me know.Thanks,Johnny.
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oops sorry, I'd like 2 sets of arms please. thank you. and I would definately like a torso to do a Hellboy custom :rock
I really hope you do the blue for Ayala! I would love to see how that comes out, since that what was holding me off from ordering her!